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Step One

Step One

Pre-development guidance


To engage prospective land developers prior to development applications being lodged to informally discuss their proposal to identify key issues relevant to North East Water.

Key topics for consideration


  • Is the land in the declared water and/or sewer districts and suitable for the indicated zoning?
  • Are there any inhibiting factors that would prevent the land being serviced (e.g. natural environmental factors such as rock).

Existing infrastructure

  • What is the proximity of existing water and/or sewer infrastructure and can the infrastructure be extended to service the land?
  • Is the existing infrastructure capable of supporting the proposed development (e.g. right size, has suitable capacity and pressure and flow, recent modelling)
  • Will a build over easement be needed?

Information requirements

  • Will North East Water require detailed engineering design plans, estate plans and serving strategies? If so, from whom and by when?
  • Are appropriate easements registered on the land and/or will easements in adjoining land need to be created as part of the development?
  • What difference does it make if there is an Owners Corporation or Section 12(2) (implied easement) over the land?
  • Is there anything unique the developer needs to know about commercial and industrial development?
  • What are the steps in land development, from North East Water’s perspective?
  • Will fire services be required?

Financial considerations

  • What are the New Customer Contributions (NCC's) and how are they applied? 
  • What other costs will be incurred by North East Water (e.g. administration and audit fees, security, mains connection fees)?


  • Who will the North East Water contact be if there are any further questions? 
  • Will there be a consultant representing the land owner/developer’s interests? 
  • Will an Accredited Contractor and/or a Victorian licensed plumber be required to undertake the works? If so, where is information about Accredited Contractors and Victorian licensed plumbers found?

Our role

  • Provide general information regarding servicing capacity
    • Reference internal guidance documents specific to the request
    • Provide ‘Enlighten’ (GIS software) screen shots of existing infrastructure which is relevant to the development
    • Provide, if feasible, service information from the engineering modelling program
  • Provide a list of current Accredited Contractors, schedule of fees and tariffs
  • Liaise with developers regarding the Build Over Water Asset and/or Easement process.

Key stakeholders

  • Developers
  • Development Consultants (e.g. planners, surveyors, engineers)
  • Local Government Authority
  • Other Service Utilities/Authorities
  • North East Water

Key documents

Information for Wangaratta developments

Complete this form for all pre-development enquiries related to Wangaratta which include:

  • two lot subdivisions that require connection to reticulated sewer (not inclusive of subdivision that creates an allotment for a utility installation or car park)
  • any development that introduces increased network demand to North East Water's network. This is not inclusive of a single dwelling on a lot or an extension to a single dwelling, or facilities in outbuildings.

Pre-development Enquiry Form


land development manual