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As Constructed drawings and Digital Data

As Constructed drawings and Digital Data

Learn how to complete As Constructed Drawings to the As Constructed Drawing Certification (ACDC) standards.

Step One: Complete a Digital Data Licence Agreement

A Digital Data Licence Agreement must be completed before you are to make a Digital Data Request or request access to the ACDC Portal.

The agreement is a deed and will be sent electronically for your digital signature. Please read the document carefully or seek legal advice prior to signing if you are unsure of its terms and conditions. The agreement is valid for a period of 24 months and full copy will be sent to each individual signatory on completion.

Digital Data Licence Agreement Application

Step Two: Apply for ACDC portal access

The ACDC Portal is an online validation tool and gateway to digital data templates used to aid in the successful submission of new sewer and water mains and associated assets. Access to the North East Water ACDC Portal is restricted and a password will be required.

Please ensure that you have completed a valid Digital Data Licence Agreement before submitting your application.

Step Three: Request your Digital Data

Request digital data for your area of interest via the ACDC Portal in 1 of 2 formats: “Design”, used for preliminary investigation or “As Constructed”, used in the preparation of ACDC compliant as constructed drawings.

You can select your area of interest up to 5km2 via the map provided. An AutoCAD .dwg file will be returned to your browser.

Request Digital Data (.DWG)

For other formats and areas larger than 5km2, request data via the below form.

Request Digital Data (> 5km/other formats)

Step Four: Read the ACDC Instructional Guide

As constructed drawings, also known as ‘works as executed’ or ‘as built drawings’ are required for all North East Water assets.

The purpose of the ACDC Instructional Guide is to assist in the submission of as constructed drawings for civil works, specifically sewer and water mains and associated valves and nodes. ACDC standards define a set of data capture business rules to enable accurate and consistent asset information.

View the ACDC Instructional Guide

Step Five: Watch the training videos

The following videos give you a visual step-by-step guide in the preparation of as constructed drawings in AutoCAD. The video’s contain a number of tips and tricks to limit errors and increase efficiency in the preparation of your as constructed drawing.

View videos

Step Six: Submit your drawing

Submit your as constructed drawing via the ACDC Portal. The validation tool will identify any spatial or attribute errors and notification on progress will be via email. An unlimited number of drawings can be submitted via the ACDC Portal.

Once the drawing has been validated it will be forwarded to the relevant Project Manager and GIS for a review. Please select Property Development for all subdivision related as constructed drawings, and Project Engineering for all water main replacement, sewer augmentation or large scale civil works e.g. raw water main construction.

Notification of the result will be provided via email through the ACDC Portal. Re-submit all as constructed drawings using the ACDC Portal.

ACDC Portal

If you need more information, please contact or the relevant North East Water project manager.