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Sustainability & climate change

Sustainability & climate change

We're committed to strong climate action, the circular economy and environmental stewardship.

Doing good for the planet

Doing good for the planet

Climate change is a serious threat to the economy, long term water availability and the community we serve. Australia’s water resources will be heavily affected by drought and extreme weather in the decades to come. Developing ways to protect and maximise these constrained resources is essential.

Our work has an impact on greenhouse gas emissions, discharges to waterways and the availability of water for the environment. Our priority is to ensure that our water and wastewater services are resilient to climate change, drought and population growth.

Learn more about some of the things we’re already doing to prepare for the impacts of climate change below.

Our Healthy Environment Ambition

Through our engagement with Traditional Owners and the community, we know that a healthy environment is vital if we are to have thriving communities and a prosperous region. Our collective wellbeing is intricately linked to the health and sustainability of the land and waters we live upon.

Reducing our carbon footprint is fundamental to our commitment. By embracing a circular economy, transitioning to renewable energy sources, optimising water use, recycling and reusing resources, we can minimize our environmental impact and contribute to sustainable environmental health.

To learn more about our key focus areas of climate action, circular economy and environmental stewardship, read our Strategy 2040

Our Environment Strategy

Our Environment Strategy provides commitment and guidance on a sustainable pathway to minimising our impacts on the environment and mitigating and adapting to climate change.

View our Environment Strategy here

Working towards carbon neutrality

The water industry generates a quarter of the Victorian Government’s overall emissions. Work is underway across the sector to reduce this footprint, with a net-zero emissions target by 2035.

North East Water is committed to 100% electricity generated by renewables by 2025 and net-zero emissions by 2035. We will do this by:

  • increasing energy efficiency to directly reduce emissions, by minimising the amount of energy we use
  • increasing the use of renewable energy to reduce indirect grid emissions
  • using carbon abatement to offset any remaining emissions.

Generating our own electricity

We have solar installations at three sites across our sevice region. They provide renewable energy to power each facility with excess electricity sent to the grid, offsetting our other operational sites. The installations include:

  • a 3MW solar farm at the Wodonga wastewater treatment plant
  • a 100kW carpark solar system at our regional head office in Wodonga
  • a 40kW solar array and 42kWh lithium ion battery bank at the Yackandandah water treatment plan

A major capacity upgrade is also underway to Wodonga's sewage treatment plant which will greatly reduce the amount of carbon emissions it produces. The work will also lead to the more efficient and effective reuse of waste to create renewable energy which can also power the plant or be sent to the electricity grid.

Learn more about this project here

Conserving water from the environment

We manage our activities to ensure that environmental flows are never compromised and that nature receives adequate water to sustain healthy ecosystems. This includes having a robust strategy for managing our water supply-demand balance, engaging with the community on responsible water use, planning for future growth and maximising the integrity of our assets.

Protecting and promoting healthy waterways

At times, we discharge nutrients and other pollutants to local waterways from our sewers and treatment plants. Our aim is to have no net impact on our waterways. We will do this by updating and building infrastructure to address growth and capacity restraints as well as maximising the integrity of our assets.

How you can help

Being careful with how much water you use, not only means you're saving a precious resource, but also helps reduce carbon emmissions. The less water you use, the less energy is used to treat and pump your drinking water.

Take a look at this video our staff put together to highlight how water conservation saves more than just water.

Become more water wise here