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Water treatment

Water treatment

Our treatment plants filter and disinfect water, so that when it comes out of your tap, it’s safe and healthy to drink.

We operate 21 water treatment plants across north-east Victoria, supplying drinking water to over 100,000 people.

Our water treatment processes are determined by a range of factors including:

  • the type of catchment
  • the chemistry and microbial quality of the water
  • mandatory requirements, such as disinfection and fluoridation.

How we treat water

Coagulation and Flocculation

This is the process where dispersed insoluble particles in raw water come out of solution to form larger particles known as floc.


This process removes particles from raw water. This may be via sedimentation assisted by gravity, or dissolved air flotation whereby tiny air bubbles separate the particles.


This process utilises granular media filters to remove the particles, or floc resulting in clear water.


Disinfection removes, deactivates or kills microorganisms in the water. This typically involves dosing chlorine or ultraviolet irradiation.


Fluoride is added in some of our water supplies at the direction of the Department of Health and Human Services for oral health. Check if your water supply is fluoridated here

How your town’s water is treated

Different supply systems have different treatment requirements.  Click on the icons below for detailed treatment information about your town.