New reference group to focus on Mt Beauty water project
18 March 2022
A new community and key stakeholder reference group has been formed to advise North East Water (NEW) on site locations for critical new water infrastructure to be built in Mt Beauty.
The reference group will focus on the Raw Water Offtake Project, and is made up of 13 community members and seven representatives from key agencies including Alpine Shire.
Managing Director, Jo Murdoch, said NEW had received a great response to the expressions of interest process with 24 community submissions. As a result, the number of community members has been increased by three.
“We have a fantastic cross-section of the community including residents, business representatives, community organisations and the town’s action group”, Ms Murdoch said.
“Key agencies will also participate including Alpine Shire Council, Department of Health, Country Fire Authority, Goulburn Murray Water and the North East Catchment Management Authority.
“The reference group will be independently facilitated by one of the country’s leading community engagement specialists and will meet at least four times over the coming months.
“Our first meeting will be held on 23 March 2022, where members will help set the terms of reference on the group’s function.”
“Reference group members will be able to share their expertise and knowledge, discuss opportunities and risks, and provide advice to North East Water about potential locations of the offtake.
“This is a crucial and time sensitive project for the town, and we are aiming for the advice of the reference group to be passed to our Board for a final location decision by mid-year.”
Ms Murdoch added, “The community can keep up-to-date with the project by following the reference group’s progress online, or in person at our regular Friday information kiosks outside the Mt Beauty Community Centre between 10am and 2pm.”
Project information is located on the Corporation’s website at