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Floods can cause major problems for our water and sewer systems.

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How North East Water prepares for floods

North East Water prepares for high rainfall events and flooding by getting our people and systems ready for extreme conditions. This includes keeping drinking water storages full and having generators, pumps and staff on standby.

Possible impact on drinking water supplies

Flood events may impact on water supplies if a treatment plant draws water from a river or creek. Run-off of soils and silts may restrict the capacity of the plant to treat the raw water which may impact on the quantity and quality of supply.

We will communicate with customers and the wider community through this website as well as traditional media and social media during such an event.

Possible impacts on sewer systems

During flood events sewer systems can be inundated by storm water. These systems are not designed for such inflows as their primary purpose is to carry sewage from customer’s homes to treatment plants.

When systems are inundated by stormwater it can lead to sewage overflows into the environment. This reinforces the SES message to never drive, walk or cycle through flood waters.

What you can do to prepare for a flood

During times of flooding, it's good idea to check that your Overflow Relief Gully (ORG) is clear from pot plants, grass or mulch to help prevent sewage backing-up into your home. Learn more about your ORG here.

For detailed information on preparing your home or business for flood visit the SES Floodsafe page.

Keep informed with the latest emergency warnings at Vic Emergency.