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Fire services

Fire services

Connecting and maintaining fire services.

Fire services may be metered or un-metered.  Most large-scale businesses in our region have unmetered fire services as this allows increased water flow in the event of a fire.

Water from a fire service is only allowed to be used during an emergency situation and the service must be resealed. North East Water will allow a seal to be broken in cases of fire drill training or equipment testing. In the event of any accidental seal breakage, the property occupier must advise us within two days.

North East Water will carry out routine inspections of fire seals.


  • A fire service seal can be inspected at any time.  A reseal charge may be imposed if any seal is broken. The Corporation may also impose further penalties in accordance with the Water Act 1989.
  • The property occupier is required to periodically maintain fire service equipment in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards.

Maintenance and requirements of fire services

Our requirements are detailed in our connection guidelines under "Private Fire Services".

Pressure and flow testing

Consultant engineers and others designing a fire protection system for a building can request information on the available water pressure and flow rates. The closest available point on the water reticulation is used to take measurements and these are evaluated using our hydraulic models.

The information supplied in the test report will indicate if additional measures such as on-site fire water storage or pressure boosting are required.

Click below to apply for a pressure flow test.

Pressure flow test form

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