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Treated recycled water released into waterway at Benalla

17 July 2023

Fully treated recycled water from North East Water's wastewater treatment plant at Benalla will be routinely released into the Broken River from Thursday, 13 July. Discharges will continue for the next 8-10 weeks, depending on rainfall.

Holding lagoons at the plants have reached their full capacity following high rainfall over the summer period and recent wet weather.

The releases are needed to ensure that our dams do not overflow and are likely to continue for the winter period at Benalla.

There are no impacts to drinking water treatment processes. A monitoring program will take place throughout the discharge along the Broken River.

We are working with our stakeholders during this period, including: EPA Victoria, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, Goulburn Murray Water, and the Benalla Rural City Council.

