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Wangaratta residents urged to reduce water usage

UPDATE: 26 January 2023, 3pm

A huge thank you to everyone in Wangaratta who reduced their water use over the past several days.

With your help we were able to keep up with the city’s water demand while we made urgent repairs on two pressure pumps.

Feel free to now start using your water supply as normal. Thanks again for your support during this period.

25 January 2023

North East Water is asking Wangaratta residents to conserve water by limiting their usage over the coming days, as urgent repairs are made on two pressure pumps that help supply the city.

General Manager Environment, Systems and Operations, John Day, said everyone helping to reduce outdoor water usage, this will reduce the possibility of low water pressure in some areas.

“Wangaratta’s water remains safe to drink and our priority is fixing this issue ahead of the forecast hot weather this weekend”, Mr Day said.

“Most domestic water is used outside on gardens and lawns, so we’re urging people to hold-off on watering for a few days and not to fill or top-up any swimming pools.

“Other simple things to reduce consumption include taking shorter showers, only using the washing machine and dishwasher when full, and also brushing teeth with the tap off.

“As our team works to get the pressure pumps back up and running, we really appreciate the community’s help in reducing demand.”

Mr Day added, “Any customers who experience low water pressure or discoloured water during this time are asked to contact us on 1300 361 644 at any time, day or night."

“We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your support during this time.

“We will keep you updated on this issue via our website and social media at 10am and 3pm each day until the issue is rectified."

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