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Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register

This policy sets out how our Board of Directors and employees will respond to an offer of a gift, benefit or hospitality.

Our Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy aims to minimise gift offers made to, and accepted by, directors, employees, contractors and consultants to ensure impartiality and accountability.

Its key principles and accountabilities are:

  • Obligations: directors and employees act in accordance with their respective obligations and with good public sector governance practice
  • Public interest: directors and employees act in the public interest, in compliance with  policy
  • Culture of integrity: the Corporation fosters a culture of integrity. Directors and employees are supported to raise any unresolved gifts issues
  • Risk-based: the Corporation’s risks in relation to gift offers are assessed, managed and monitored
  • Processes: the Corporation’s procedures are transparent and accountable. Processes are in place to ensure that directors and employees are aware of the requirements of this policy and to comply with it.

You are able to view a redacted version of our Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register below.

2022-23 register 2023-24 register