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Sewage spill clean-up in Mount Beauty

Updated: 24 January 2025 - 1.00pm

Please be advised our latest testing shows that water in the pondage at Mount Beauty is now safe for recreational use.

Signage remains in place at the stormwater drain and further monitoring will continue in that localised area.

We apologise for the inconvenience over the last few days and thank you for your understanding.

Updated: 24 January 2025 - 9.30am

North East Water responded to and repaired a sewer main break on Mount Street in Mount Beauty on Tuesday, 21 January. This break resulted in a minor sewer spill to the pondage via a nearby stormwater drain. Contaminated water was removed from the stormwater drain inlet to help reduce environmental impacts.

Initial water testing showed a small, localised impact near the stormwater drain entry point, and further monitoring shows reducing levels of contamination. As a precaution, signage remains in place at the stormwater drain and recreation entry point at the eastern end of the pondage. Downstream of the pondage outlet is well within limits for recreational use and is safe for swimming.

We are still advising the public to avoid contact with the water in the pondage. Further testing will be done today, and we are hopeful of lifting this advice to the pondage as soon as possible.

21 January 2025

North East Water is managing a sewage spill in Mount Beauty following a broken sewer main on 21 January 2025.

The wastewater spilled at Mount Street which reached a stormwater drain that enters the Mount Beauty Pondage.

Clean-up and remediation works will be completed in the affected area. Water sampling and monitoring will continue over the next few days to understand any possible impacts to the pondage.

Signage has been erected in the vicinity and as a precaution we are advising people to avoid the spill area and also  swimming in the pondage for the next few days.

The Environment Protection Authority has been notified of the spill.