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Sewage spill notifications

Sewage spill notifications

Latest notifications about sewage spills and wet weather discharges

13/02 | Sewage spill clean-up underway in Beechworth

30/11 | Sewage spill clean-up in Wodonga

21/1 | Sewage spill clean-up in Mount Beauty

19/12 | Sewage spill cleaned up in Tallangatta

3/12 | Heavy rain causes sewage spills in Wangaratta

2/12 | Sewage spill cleaned up in Wangaratta

05/09 | Treated recycled water released at Yarrawonga

29/07 | Sewer spill cleaned up in Tangambalanga

01/07 | Sewage spill cleaned up in Tallangatta

21/06 | Sewage spill cleaned up in Wodonga

27/05 | Breach causes sewage spill in Wangaratta

21/03 | Blockage causes sewage spill in Wangaratta